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Five myths about behaviour, and why they won’t go away


Here’s something that has always confounded me.

If behavioural science is so good, why aren’t more people using it?

Like Robert Cialdini’s famous study on social norms influencing hotel guests to reuse their towels. I’m still to visit a hotel that is correctly using a message about how many guests have re-used their towels to get me to do likewise.

The thing is, when people read or hear about behavioural economics, and more broadly, behavioural science, they typically...

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Why asking customers can lead you astray

If I had to boil down the biggest problem businesses have, it would be this.

Listening to people.

I totally get it.

It's compelling when a customer tells you what would make them buy your product, a staff member tells you what would make them happier and more productive, or a stakeholder tells you what would make they sign off on your idea.

Straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

We rush to send out employee engagement surveys and customer questionnaires. We run polls and focus...
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How to get ahead of trends

Is the world moving more quickly, really?

I've been thinking a lot about the speed of change lately, largely because every book or podcast seems to lament how quickly things are moving and the challenge this poses in keeping up.

You've heard it too, no doubt. "Things were so much simpler 10, 20, 50 years ago".

Yes and no.

What if the pace of change is an illusion?

Like this. The image appears to be moving, but it's actually not.

Why we never get ahead of the curve

Where a lot of...

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Talking Talks: Mastering the craft of presenting, with Luke Williams


In this episode of Talking Talks Bri Williams speaks with Luke Williams, professional speaker, professor of marketing and international best selling author. Luke specialises in disruptive innovation; how to spark transformation in your business.

We talk about where most speakers go wrong, how to hone the craft of presenting, when not to walk backwards and why Luke’s objective is to change what people talk about at lunchtime. He even shares six top tips for people seeking to evolve their...

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Talking Talks: Persuasive presentations, with Troy Andrews


How to make your presentation persuasive? And what are the ethical considerations of doing so?

In this episode of Talking Talks behavioural expert Bri Williams speaks with Troy Andrews, founder of

We talk about why logically sequencing content isn't persuasive, why outcome is the first place to start, how storytelling is 22x more memorable than facts alone and how Troy's knowledge of craft beer helped win him a client.


- Troy's website: ...

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How to make a distributed team cohesive?

Are you part of a distributed team? Perhaps you manage one?

It's new language, isn't it, distributed team? It means that colleagues who work together, don't physically work together. They're scattered around the state, the country, the world.

It's not quite the same as "remote work", where you and your colleagues might work remotely from your office some or all the time, but there is still a central office.

For distributed teams, there is no central office so everyone works remotely.

How to...

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The price advice people most hate

What's one of the biggest findings from behavioural science that people resist?

That terrifies them the most?

Sequencing prices from high to low.

It's much more common to see menus and websites listing goods from low to high.

Well, that's a problem because you're wasting every sale.

Researchers Suk, Lee and Lichtenstein, for example, found way back in 2011 that listing the most expensive beer first increased the average paid by 4% compared to listing in descending order.

So I know it might...

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Talking behavioural science with my intern, Bora Ergor


It was an absolute delight to have Bora Ergor interning with me this year.

Bora is a very talented psychology student at the University of Strasbourg and together we worked across a range of assignments.

In this video Bora talks us through what his research unearthed as well as tips for people seeking to intern.

We cover what behavioural science says about:

  • How to optimise your online presenting presence and overcome Zoom fatigue
  • Framing  and use of language i.e. knowing...
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Which digit do you want people to focus on?

Ending your price with “9” is a tidbit of pricing psychology that has entrenched itself in business folklore. 

Why? Because $1999 seems better than $2000, and $12.99 better than $13.

But why does it seem better?

It may have a lot to do with the direction the digit is pointing. You see, 9 points to the left, as does 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7.

5 and 6 are right-facing whereas 0 and 8 are centered.

This digit-directionality (Coulter, 2007) is yet another consideration when it...

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Talking Talks: Speaker evolution with Sam Tatam


What can an expert in evolutionary psychology tell us about presenting? Lots!

In this episode of Talking Talks Bri speaks with psychologist and head of Behavioural Science at Ogilvy, Sam Tatam.

We talk about why everything is selling, why gaps are essential in your presentation (leave space in the mousetrap), why you should watch yourself on mute, maximising the pixels in a virtual presentation and similarities and differences between client work and keynotes. Oh, and why Sam wants...

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