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Should you show effort?


Should you show effort?

A locksmith turns up to a house where the owner has locked themselves out. After only a few minutes, the locksmith unlocks the door, turns to the relieved owner and says ā€œThat will be $200ā€.

ā€œ$200!", the home owner splutters. ā€œIt only took you 2 minutes!ā€

ā€œ2 minutes to open your door, but 10 years to know how to do it so quickly!ā€, replies the locksmith.

This story, or versions of it featuring a mechanic, carpenter or other trade, makes the point that people often equ...

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What you can't hear


When I worked at White Pages, we'd encourage businesses to list their trading hours in the phone book so customers wouldn't have to call simply to ask "Are you open?"Ā 

Many opted not to.Ā 

They preferred being interrupted because it reassured them that people were interested.

What they couldnā€™t see was the time they wasted answering such calls.

What they couldn't hear were the customers who went elsewhere because they didnā€™t want to call.

In your role, are youĀ comforted by being called up...

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Effortless = worthless: Why you should show your labour


If it seems effortless, it can seem worthless.

When something comes too easily, we donā€™t seem to value it.

I once heard a comedian suggest adding an ā€˜average Joeā€™ to every race at the Olympics just so we can appreciate just how exceptional these athletes are.Ā 

For you, effortless might be an idea you have that you immediately second guess because it seems too obvious, or a service you provide that customers undervalue.

Showing your work, the hours youā€™ve put in to develop your expertise, ...

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How to keep your customers


Solve a problem for me, but remind me you are.

People generally stick with what they have if it continues to work.Ā 

The problem for some businesses is they might solve it too well.Ā 

The problem recedes in their customerā€™s mind so they start taking it for granted. Maybe I donā€™t need to keep paying for that? Maybe the problem has gone away? Maybe I can get it cheaper?

šŸ‘‰ Thatā€™s why we need to keep reminding people what weā€™re doing. The load weā€™re carrying for them.

I donā€™t mean in a self-ag...

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