The Little Book of Behaviour e-book series

About the e-Book series
Designed for busy professionals, the Little Book of Behaviour Series lets you dip your toe into the world of behavioural science and how it can be used in your business and personal life.
Please note, these books were originally designed for print and have not been reformatted. They may not be compatible with all e-book devices.
View the series of e-books on Amazon.

The Little Book of Letters and Emails
Tired of getting your emails ignored? Terrified customers will react badly to a letter you have to send?
We spend a lot of time and money writing emails and letters, yet so many fail to engage the reader in the way we want.
In The Little Book of Letters and Emails behavioural expert Bri Williams has pulled together six golden rules for making correspondence compelling in a short and sharp 24 page guide.
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The Little Book of Pricing and Payment
In the (not so little) Little Book of Pricing and Payment, leading behavioural expert Bri Williams details how to communicate pricing to maximise conversion.
Bringing together the best of behavioural science in 120 entertaining pages, you’ll learn whether to sequence your prices from highest or lowest or vice versa, why products for pleasure should be priced differently to those that are functional,
how to get customers to pay on time and much more!

The Little Book of Behavioural Economics
Imagine if you could turn up to work everyday knowing the secrets of behaviour?
Imagine knowing what really motivates people to do what they do?
The Little Book of Behavioural Economics is your entrée to the behavioural science of customer irrationality, bringing together eleven of my most popular and important articles on applied behavioural economics in only 44 pages.
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The How of Habits
In The How of Habits, behavioural science expert Bri Williams brings the best of behavioural science together to address why we have habits, common traps we fall into when trying to change, tricks we can use to make it easier, and ways to bust the baddest of habits.
Also available...
The Williams Behaviour Book
Influencing customers and colleagues to take action is rarely easy, and yet success in business relies on being able to do this each and every day.
What international bestseller, The Decision Book, did for simplifying strategic thinking, The Williams Behaviour eBook does for behaviour change, making science accessible, usable, and fun.
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