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Two types of hows


What is your customer really asking for?

Customers often use “how” questions to find you,  like “how to increase sales” or “How to improve conversion?”

But not all “how” questions are alike. 

In fact, there are two types of “hows”.

👉 If you’re answering the wrong type of how, you won’t capture their attention.

The first type of “how” question is procedural.

Questions like “how to change a tyre” or “How to cook salmon”

Or in business, “how to create a TikTok” or “How to calculate tax”.

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Five realities of work


As author Liz Wiseman writes, there are five realities of working in an organisation.

  1. Messy problems
  2. Unclear objectives
  3. Unforeseen obstacles
  4. Moving targets
  5. Unrelenting demands

A small percentage of the burden you carry is actual workload – it’s the muck that comes along with it.

And in my experience, most of the muck involves people. 

Imagine then, having clarity about why people behave the way they do and how you can influence them for the better?

Imagine how amazing work could ...

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Metrics can warp performance

Does labelling a hole par four or five change golfer performance?

I wrote this blog in 2019, and thought it was worth revisiting because many people are in the thick of performance reviews and planning for next year.

Through a quirk of United States Golf Administration's (USGA) decision making, holes at Pebble Beach and Oakmont Country Club have been assessed as par four for some US Open tournaments, and par five in others. 

Same hole, different par.

This created a fascinating opportunity fo...

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Behaviour under stress


Is your team getting increasingly frustrated with each other?

Are you finding your fuse is shorter than usual? You're self-medicating with booze or chocolate?

Perhaps your customers aren't answering your calls like they used to?


Behaviour under stress

Behaviour under stress is something we both witness and experience.

It shows up as sloppy and ineffective communications, overwhelm, procrastination, avoidance and anger.


How to course correct

So what can we do to course correct?


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Forget the sh*t sandwich. How to deliver bad news.

How should you deliver bad news?

There’s a lot of bad news being shared right now. In Australia we are experiencing various degrees of lockdown across the country, and our political leaders are grappling with how best to share bad news.

New South Wales, for example, started with a relatively light-touch approach that has become more stringent the longer lockdown has lasted.

In Victoria’s latest lockdown, conditions were restrictive from the get go.

While I won’t go into the relative merits o...

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