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How to close a sales conversation


It's awkward, isn't it Bri?

That moment in a sales conversation when you have to ask for the deal? 

Or maybe it's not even a sales conversation, but a discussion with a colleague whom you are trying to get to make a decision?

In this video I explain:

  • The three stages of an effective sales conversation
  • The role that tension plays
  • What to say to close the sale

And why do I call it "conversion cutlery"?

Because as you'll see, the three stages relate to a spoon, knife and fork.

Prefer t...

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Metrics can warp performance

Does labelling a hole par four or five change golfer performance?

I wrote this blog in 2019, and thought it was worth revisiting because many people are in the thick of performance reviews and planning for next year.

Through a quirk of United States Golf Administration's (USGA) decision making, holes at Pebble Beach and Oakmont Country Club have been assessed as par four for some US Open tournaments, and par five in others. 

Same hole, different par.

This created a fascinating opportunity fo...

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How uncertainty impacts customer behaviour


Consumers want certainty. That seems to be the prevailing assumption when it comes to influencing customer behaviour. In times of great uncertainty, so the story goes, people crave stability and become more risk averse. 

Not so fast.

Here are four ways certainty - or lack thereof - impacts your customers.

Because while the likelihood of something happening does impact customer decisions, what decision is made depends on whether the outcome is likely to be positive or negative.  

That means i...

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The scourge of shitty emails

Do you write annoying emails? Do you receive them? Poorly written emails irritate both the recipient, who resents the interruption, and the sender, who gets frustrated by a lack of response.

So how to get them right? I’m about to take you through five real-life examples that illustrate traps to avoid and how to better engage your intended reader.

I’ve redacted the details of the sender because in no way is this intended to criticise them personally. These were people who crafted messages they ...

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The lily pad lesson: Four ways to overcome customer apathy


Without doubt, the problem I spend most time on with clients is how to overcome customer, staff and supplier apathy.

What to do when people just can't be bothered? How do you make them care? Do you need to?

So I've recorded what I call my "Lily Pad lesson" for you, in which I cover four ways to address apathy:
1.Motivate them -> but this is problematic
2.Reward their short-term bias
3. Use the "move away from" approach
4. Shape the environment -> the best in my experience

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