Three issues people are grappling with as we try to make decisions:
These three factors increase reliance on cognitive biases (ingrained mental short-cuts) and heuristics (rules of thumb), which means a couple of things for you and your business.
First, designing for ease and immediacy is crucial. Not just for your customers - it...
If a messy desk symbolises a messy mind, what does an empty desk symbolise?
It’s a quip attributed to Einstein, though there’s no proof he said it.
It’s a favourite of mine because my father was (is!) notorious for having a messy desk.
Regardless, I believe the state of my physical deskspace has an impact on my psychology.
So, as simple as the tips that follow may seem, they might just help you like they do me.
Feeling overwhelmed? Clear your physical desk space. Seeing a clear surface w...
You know what I think exhausts us at work?
Think of your average work day, for example.
It’s likely filled with writing and responding to emails, attending meetings, speaking with colleagues, customers and/or suppliers.
Now think of all the micro decisions you have to make in the course of that activity.
How should I say something so it best lands?
How do I get my point across that means others are likely to agree?
Who should do what, and how do I tell them?
👉 This is the murk o...
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