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How to increase clicks +17%


Rounded buttons generate between 17-55% more clicks than angular buttons.

Across 8 experiments, researchers found buttons with curved or rounded edges generated significantly higher clicks than sharp edges.

Why? Rounded shapes are associated with friendliness and harmony, where sharp edges signify threats and strength.

To reduce your customer's fear of proceeding, round your buttons.

And for more ways to improve the results you get in your business, Just Do This.




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Three things you shouldn't do if you want to influence behaviour



Three things you shouldn’t do if you want to influence behaviour.

  1. Make things pretty
  2. Normalise inaction
  3. Don’t ask why

Which of the three surprises you most?

If you want to know exactly what to do in your business, Just Do This.


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The best thing about this ad


What’s the best thing about this ad? 

Yes, they’ve included a good, clear value proposition “Let us do the house work”.

They’ve included price, which is a little unusual but clever if more people think it will be more expensive than $82.

They’ve limited their substantiation points to three – this is good too. More than that and people think you’re trying too hard.

And they’ve promised it takes 60 seconds to book online,...

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