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Time is a limited resource. 

👉 Attention is a diminishing one.

As the world gets noisier, you will be defined by your ability to cut through.

If you can't get someone's attention, customers can't find you and colleagues ignore you.

That’s why I've spent the last two months deep diving on the science of attention: how to attract it, hold it, and use it to generate outcomes. 

I'm not mucking around – I've read over 2,000 pages of academic studies and waded through dozens of articles on the topic.

👉👉 Once you know how to capture and convert attention, imagine how much more effective your emails, texts, meeting requests, presentations, promotions and social media will be.

That’s what I want for you. That’s why I’m taking it so seriously.

My Just Do This members will be first to learn how to get attention in their next update. Join us to be part of this exclusive group.

And for teams, I'm offering a new keynote: 'Pique: The Science of Curiosity and Engagement.' Learn how to capture attention and turn it into action using behavioural science.

Contact me if you’d like to hear more.




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