We’re now a couple of weeks into the new year.
If you are struggling with making promises stick, here are three questions to ask yourself:
Is it worth bothering?
If you haven’t done whatever “it” is yet, the reward for bothering may not outweigh the effort involved.
That means you have two avenues to follow. Make the payoff more attractive and/or make it easier to do.
Am I actually clear on what I need to do?
When we’re excited about something, we can see all sorts of opportunities. The problem is we overcomplicate the situation, and confuse ourselves in the process.
Boil it down to one thing you can do tomorrow. A small first step. Like blinkers on a racehorse, narrow your focus and keep it simple.
What am I worried about if I do this?
To consider something new – back when you made that promise to yourself – suggests there was something about the status quo you didn’t like.
But now, a few short weeks later, that status quo feels like a snuggly security blanket.
Why? What are you worried about? Failing? Being embarrassed? Wasting your time? Money?
All those things might happen. But it doesn't mean moving forward isn’t worth it.
So, how can you give yourself nothing to fear if you do proceed, but something to fear if you don’t?
P.S. If these questions seem familiar, it's because they are the same we can ask when trying to influence the behaviour of colleagues and customers (aka The Williams Behaviour Change Model).
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